Work smarter, not harder. You don’t always have to be working and expending energy. Sometimes that’s the exact opposite of what you should be doing. I mentioned building other shelters in snow if you don’t have natural shelters like this. These could be any number of shelters. There are some that I prefer for survival, some for bush craft, some for short term, some for long term. This is typically for when there are materials available and the snow has not taken over. But, Sometimes a snow shelter is your only choice. Although there are some snow shelters that allow for the use of a warming fire, using natural shelters like this and debris shelters are much more conducive for fire, maximizing comfort and survivability. Yes, snow shelters are warmer than outside, but there’s nothing better than being warm warm out there.

Course dates below ⬇️

2023 course dates are up and ready for sign up! Sign up for survival and Wilderness First Aid Courses in Northwest Montana on Flathead Lake at

2-Day Basic Survival Course:
May 6-7
Sept. 16-17

2-Day Wilderness First Aid Certification:
May 20-21
Oct. 21-22

3-Day Survival/WFA Combo (For those that want more of a challenge):
June 2-4
August 18-20
Oct. 6-8

1-Day All-Ages Intro To Survival Workshop (Great for kids):
July 22
August 5

Learn to provide for all your essential needs in a wilderness emergency from preparedness and mindset principles to shelter and fire making to food and water procurement to rescue signaling techniques and more. Earn a Wilderness First Aid certification so you will be able to treat common outdoor medical and traumatic emergencies for extended durations using manufactured and improvised methods!

Learn to be your own rescuer when help could be days away!

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#beyourownfirstresponder #survivalshelter #survivalshelters